Author: wendy Chan

Streets Consulting: Interview with Sustainable Trading at TradeTech 2024

At the recent TradeTech event in Paris, Duncan Higgins spoke to Streets Consulting about all things Sustainable Trading! Duncan discussed Sustainable Trading’s continued growth and the positive impact it’s having on the trading industry, and spoke about our newly launched Trading Employee Workplace Experience Survey, aiming to capture the experiences of trading employees in the […]

Webinar: Developing ESG Best Practices

Our recent webinar brought together members of Sustainable Trading who are helping to lead the development of best practices within our working groups, and discussed important questions including how the industry goes about developing best practices and how valid and robust measurements can be developed. We were joined by Eleni Coldrey of Equinix, Jenner Sheldrake of Liquidnet, Nick Johnston of Outset Global and Evan […]

Press Release: BNP Paribas Asset Management and Degroof Petercam join Sustainable Trading

New firms bring total members to 50 within first year of operation; Initial set of industry-defined best practices developed Sustainable Trading, the non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming Environmental, Social and Governance practices in the financial markets trading industry, today welcomes BNP Paribas Asset Management and Degroof Petercam to its membership network. Since its launch in February […]

Meet the Board Video Series: Clarissa De’Giorgio

The next video in our ‘Meet the Board’ series features Clarissa De’Giorgio, Head of Business Development and Marketing at Euronext Technology Solutions. Clarissa explains Euronext’s approach to ESG and how they are working to accelerate climate action, including the recent relocation of their core data centre to a facility run by 100% renewable energy and […]

Press Release: Sustainable Trading industry association adds seven new members

Barclays, Liquidnet, Mizuho International, Rand Merchant Bank, Schroders, State Street and Telehouse sign up to support initiative for positive E, S and G change in the financial markets trading industry Sustainable Trading, the non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming environmental, social and governance (E, S and G) practices in the trading industry, today strengthens its membership […]

Meet the Board Video Series: Cathy Gibson

In this ‘Meet the Board’ video – the second in the series, we profile Cathy Gibson, Global Head of Trading at Ninety One, an asset management firm specialising in emerging markets with roots in South Africa. Cathy shares her primary motivation for joining Sustainable Trading, Ninety One’s thoughts on sustainability, her specialist interest with respect […]

Instinet and Wildlife Conservation Society launch REDD Positive campaign

Instinet has launched an initiative with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) called REDD Positive. The initiative is designed to fund and accelerate early-stage forest conservation and reforestation projects while providing education about the critical role nature-positive solutions play in processing greenhouse gasses. This campaign serves as a prime example of an impactful and actionable step towards […]

Meet the Board Video Series: Etienne Phaneuf

Introducing the Sustainable Trading Board. In this series of videos, we hear from our board members about their motivations for joining the initiative and which areas of ESG are most important to them. In this video, Etienne Phaneuf, President and CEO of ArchES Computing Systems, talks about their special focus on the environmental impacts of trading, and shares his […]